Wednesday, August 11, 2010
So Jesse has decided he don't want to crawl he is going to go straight to walking he is now pulling himself up on the side of the couch. Its so cute once he does it he hoots and hollers like he just climb the tallest mountain, and I guess to him he did. We started him on the gerber graduates puffs and he LOVES them if he sees the can that there in he act's like he is reaching for them. In the last 2 weeks he has gotten 3 teeth and there is another coming in so now he has 2 top 3 bottom. He has also discovered the word NO and don't like it at all and also lets you know he don't like it. HA HA HA , Sleeping has gotten a lot better now. He has 2 naps for an hour during the day one at 2 till 3 and 1 at 6-7 we are trying to cut the 6-7 one out but if anyone has had children knows that once a child has fallen to sleep there is NO waking them up, He is going to bed around 1 and sleeping till 7 so I'm really happy about that. Well it is 2:20 am and I'm gonna try and get some zzzzz try and blog more this week have some stuff I have finished sewing and want to show pictures and I'm making my oldest son John a Yoshi blanket for his birthday and cutting the squares out is a pain in the *ss. I can't lie and say I haven't had the thought of What have I gotten myself in to through my head a thousand times. HAHAHA everyone have a great day.
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