Friday, November 12, 2010

Halloween and Fall Pictures

October 2010

October 2010

Jesse as a Skunk for halloween and 
me as a hippy 

John and Jesse October 2010


Jesse and John I love this picture

Jesse and John another of my Favorites



Richie my grandson and Jesse October 2010

Halloween 2010

Halloween 2010


Well awhile has gone by and I haven't been on. Jesse is starting to sleep all night now YAY, so now I'll have more time for doing things. I started to crochet all I knew before was to make a granny square blanket and now I'm making lil baby hats and it's so easy. Jesse is turning 1 hard to believe a year ago I had him time is going fast already. He has gotten so big and has soo much personality. John's doing good in school he is getting good grades, John loves to read he is reading at at a 6th grade level. I'm so proud of him now if we can just get the temper and attitude under control he would be a model student ha ha.Halloween came and went the boys had a good time Jesse was a skunk and John was Mario and both my boys looked good. John could pass as a kid Mario anyday hahahaha. Well I'm gonna post some pictures of the hat's I made this week when I get time to take them off of my camera. I'll be back later gonna go and give Jesse his breakfast. Have a great day all

Sunday, August 15, 2010

First Week Of School

First week of school is final behind us. John made star student for the first time. Im proud of him even tho it is the first week I pray that he has a good year last year wasnt so good.Interesting thing happen to me this morning went out to put the pump on to the pool to circulate it before we went out to swim and it short circuited and blew smoke scared the crap out of me. I have been getting about 4-5 hours sleep a night and no nap in between uhg *hopes it gets better* Well post more later have a great day.... Sherri 

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


So Jesse has decided he don't want to crawl he is going to go straight to walking he  is now pulling himself up on the side of the couch. Its so cute once he does it he hoots and hollers like he just climb the tallest mountain, and I guess to him he did. We started him on the gerber graduates puffs and he LOVES them if he sees the can that there in he act's like he is reaching for them. In the last 2 weeks he has gotten 3 teeth and there is another coming in so now he has 2 top 3 bottom. He has also discovered the word NO and don't like it at all and also lets you know he don't like it. HA HA HA , Sleeping has gotten a lot better now. He has 2 naps for an hour during the day one at 2 till 3 and 1 at 6-7 we are trying to cut the 6-7 one out but if anyone has had children knows that once a child has fallen to sleep there is NO waking them up, He is going to bed around 1 and sleeping till 7 so I'm really happy about that. Well it is 2:20 am and I'm gonna try and get some zzzzz try and blog more this week have some stuff I have finished sewing and want to show pictures and I'm making my oldest son John a Yoshi blanket for his birthday and cutting the squares out is a pain in the *ss. I can't lie and say I haven't had the thought of What have I gotten myself in to through my head a thousand times. HAHAHA everyone have a great day.

New Year of School

So tomorrow the kids go back to school here, Im excited and abit sad. My 9 year old loves school and cant wait to go back BUT he also loves staying home with his 8 month old brother as well. He was excited when he got all his new school stuff, and was happy with his new clothes but he came to me the other night and said Mom are you going to miss me when Im at school all day, I looked at his face and saw this look of please say you will miss me and I gave him a big hug and looked him in the eye and said honey I miss you when ever you are away from me and when your in school I mis all the funny noises you make and all the questions and he had this giant smile on his face that warmed my heart. All I can say is yes as a parent I do look forward to my children going to school and learning all that they can but Im sad as they are growing so fast and time just dont stand still long enough for you to enjoy all the smiles and tears so enjoy them while you can . Hope you all have a great school year.

Sunday, August 1, 2010


I'm addicted to coffee, I need it in the morning to function I drink probably about 4 cups in the morning and then about 8 cups through out the day. In the evening I love a cup when I'm sitting on the computer just looking around at things, Like I found these pictures and thought these would be cute to post. I'm not sure where they came from as I got them from google images *which I love*. Enjoy ..... Sherri

New Things

So I have been busy making some new dresses, I'll post pictures as soon as I'm done. I find it hard to find time to sew being that there is not enough time in the day when you have a 8 month old who would rather stay up all night till 4 in the morning. I have heard people say keep him up most of the day and I have for the last 2 days I have kept him awake for most of the day only an hour nap but when he goes to sleep around 9 hes back up and grouchy. So..... I have decided that this lil guy is my night hawk and I'm not gonna fight him and make him sick. On another note of new things Jesse has got 3 new teeth coming in one in the bottom and 2 on the top. John has started to really behave I'm sooo proud of him I'm not sure if its cause he's turning 9 or just cause he is finally listening. Children who we learn from and they learn from us. Well it is 5 in the morning and Jesse has been sleeping for an hour and I'm gonna head to bed. Got lots to do tomorrow. Finish a red bandanna dress and red jacket and a blue and yellow dress. Have a great day and hope everyone sleeps well.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Welcome to Sherri's Coffee Shop,
I'm a at home mom who has 5 kids. When I married my husband I welcomed 2 girls who I accept as my own. My oldest daughter is 23 and lives on her own, My other daughter is 16 and lives with her mom. I have a son from a previous relationship and he is 15 and lives with his father. My husband and I have 2 boys together they are 8 and 6 months. I have been a lurker who reads other peoples blogs and think wow I should really do a blog but then think it is probably so time consuming, So today I have decided I would try to do my own blog. So bear with me I'm new at the whole writing things down, Unless it's a shopping list or chore list I'm lost at writing my thoughts. I'm gonna post pictures of the sewing I do and some of my idea's and things I want to do. I have a bunch of sites that I go to that may be of some use to others. Well I'm gonna go for now my littlest one has informed me that it is feeding time so I will try and get some stuff up later and get use to this who blogging thing. Have a great day and come back soon as I will have more stuff up.

This is our newest member of our family
Jesse was born November 24th 2009.

This is my family Wayne, Donna, John
and of course me. Im 8 months pregnant here